About HelloDoor

HelloDoor +32 3 555 00 55

Download Latest HelloPorta Version

To download the latest HelloPorta Version, Kindly click Here. If any further guidance is required we would be happy to assist, kindly contact us at support@hellodoor.info.

By |2023-10-16T13:18:43+01:00April 20, 2023|

Videocall to multiple Teams users

It is possible to send a call to a Teams Call Queue or Auto Attendant to distribute the call from HelloDoor/HelloLisa to multiple people, but unfortunately Microsoft does not support video on Call Queues. So you will loose the video part of the communication in this case.

By |2023-10-16T13:18:14+01:00April 20, 2023|

Download Latest HelloLisa Version

To download the latest HelloLisa Version, Kindly click Here. You can also check the administrative manual of HelloLisa. Click Here. If any further guidance is required we would be happy to assist, kindly contact us at support@hellodoor.info.

By |2023-10-16T13:05:03+01:00April 19, 2023|

HelloLisa videocalls to Teams users

Call from HelloLisa Virtual Reception to Teams User1. User1 can choose to accept the incoming call as a videocall (camera icon) or as a voicecall (phone icon). When a videocall was selected, both sides will see each other’s videostream.

By |2023-10-16T13:04:04+01:00April 19, 2023|

Troobleshooting HelloDoor controlling an IP Relay

HelloDoor can control an IP-relay, and this relay can open a door, gate, or control about any device which can be activated from a simple switch. For this to work, the whole setup of the HelloDoor, IP relay and networking needs to work. Rather than setting everything up and keep your fingers crossed, here is a step by step procedure to do a clean installation, or to troubleshoot one that’s not working.

By |2023-10-16T13:03:23+01:00April 19, 2023|
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