Getting Started
Process of Installing and Configuring
of HelloPorta Demo Device

Resources » Getting Started » Process of Installing and Configuring of HelloPorta Demo Device

Feature of HelloPorta:

  • Voice AND video: speak to your visitors if they ring and see them in your Skype for Business or Teams client.
  • Open your door remotely with a simple chat message (this needs the optional Door opener IP Relay hardware).


  1. Install Skype for Business Basic. Go to ->
  2. If you don’t have a Skype for Business account then kindly contact our sales team at for trail SfB account.
  3. Install the latest version of HELLOPORTA application (Click Here). The Trail License is valid for 14 Days.
  4. Configure Skype for Business and run the ADAL Script to set the required registry values (Click Here).
  5. Install NotePad++ (Click Here), it will help to edit the settings.xml file.
  6. Now configure the settings.xml(Navigate to C:\ProgramData\HelloDoor), kindly download the admin manual in order to edit settings file as per your company’s requirement.

In case if you have any query or face any problem kindly reach us at We will get back to you as soon as possible.

By |2023-10-16T12:58:54+00:00December 22, 2022|
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