Teams External Access

A HelloPorta/HelloLisa device comes preconfigured with an account from the domain. The call will initiate from the hosted account configured in the device and it can talk with your Teams user via External Access (Federation). There are two possible setups :: Open Federation & Closed Federation.

By |2023-10-16T13:00:52+01:00December 22, 2022|

Process of Installing and Configuring of HelloLisa Demo Device

Feature Of HelloLisa : HelloLisa plays visitor Welcome video. On the touchscreen, visitor can call “Reception” to reach the person in charge of welcoming visitors, or they can do a Directory-lookup to call the person they are visiting directly. Two way Voice AND video: speak to your visitors if they ring and see

By |2023-10-16T12:50:24+01:00December 8, 2022|
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