- HelloLisa plays a Welcome video to the Visitors.
- On the touchscreen, visitors can call “Reception” to reach the person in charge of welcoming visitors, or they can do a Directory-lookup to call the person they are visiting directly.
- Two way Voice AND video: speak to your visitors if they ring and see them in your Teams client. All calls are videocalls, fully integrated in Teams.
- You can answer the HelloLisa calls on your PC, Mac or Smartphone Teams app. If needed, calls can be forwarded to a regular phone number.
- HelloLisa works with Microsoft Teams.
- No gateway needed, no server-software. Uses Federation to connect to Teams users.
- Optionally allows for Multi-company setup (choose visited company) and Multi-language setup (select language).
- Open your door remotely, to let visitors enter, with a simple chat message (this needs the optional Dooropener IP Relay hardware).